




厚朴汇智(北京)咨询有限公司是一家行业的人力资源招聘服务供应商,以专注、专业的精神,致力于为客户提供快速、精准的中高级人才寻访服务和招聘外包解决方案。我们拥有多名专业顾问,均来自各行业的资深人士,拥有丰富的企业管理经验,和前沿的人力资源管理理念,深谙行业资讯、产业结构和人才状况,具有坚实的信息挖掘能力、甄选判别及人力需求整合能力,在所服务的商业地产、制造、金融、IT、快消、能源领域积淀了大量的人才资源.我们拥有近百万人才数据库,此外还以梳理行业内关键职位的方式,建立了流动的的人才资源池,在主要城市有多名丰富行业经验的兼职顾问,持续不断地优化人才来源和搜索网络。我们的研究中心,为快速、专业的人才搜索提供了强有力的技术和智力支持,研究中心由行业、人力资源骨干组成,聚集行业研究、企业发展研究、职业发展研究、人才甄选和评估研究、招聘市场研究。我们为企业提供量身定制的优人才解决方案,在全面了解企业文化和需求的基础上,从企业实际情况出发,制定切实可行的招聘解决方案,并结合企业的发展需要,提供战略性的建议,大限度地降低招聘管理成本,实现人力资源的有效配置。作为行业的招聘服务供应商,我们为众多客户提供了专业的招聘服务,我们的客户80%来自于世界知名跨国集团、大型国内上市公司,其余则来自于快速成长的中型企业和非盈利机构。我们始终以专注公正、团队合作、沟通多赢、学习积淀的工作原则,为企业提供精准、迅速、专业的人力资源支持服务,提升企业人力资源竞争力,成为企业发展的战略伙伴。我们的服务理念:认知:凝聚着指导我们行为的准则,清晰地表达我们乐于接近人、勇于倾听客户、人才心声的态度。在我们看来,每个客户、每位候选人都是独一无二的,因此我们时刻关注客户的商业战略愿景、公司需求,并充分了解候选人的职业理想和目标。接受和评估信息:客户:认识客户、了解客户,针对职位需求,结合客户的战略方向、组织架构、企业文化等进行全面、深入的分析与评估;候选人:乐于认识候选人,善于发掘候选人的优势,结合候选人的行业经历、职业背景、个性特征、发展潜力等,评估其与企业及职位的匹配度。产生应对和处理问题方法:在对客户与候选人了解、评估的基础上,通过对双方的理性认知,由专业顾问提供专业的人才服务解决方案。预测和估计结果:通过各环节严格把关与筛选,快速、准确地为客户提供匹配的人才,与客户建立起长期战略伙伴关系。信任:我们致力于和客户、候选人建立长期的合作关系,通过多次富有成效的合作,厚朴汇智赢得了众多客户和候选人的信任。这种良好的信任关系,奠定了厚朴汇智作为企业人力资源战略合作伙伴的基础。多赢:通过理性的认知、良好的信任,我们提供的人才服务为客户创造出了更高价值,为候选人提供了持续的职业发展规划,实现了厚朴汇智致力于行业地位的人力资源招聘服务供应商的宗旨。Hoping Wise Consulting Co., Ltd. is a leading corporation that specialize in human resources recruitment services. In the spirit of concentration and profession, Hoping Wise dedicated in providing customers with fast, accurate and professional consulting and recruitment services for high and medium level talents and one stop outsourcing solutions.Most key consultants working for Hoping Wise are all senior professionals with experienced practices in their respective industries, they enjoy extensive experience in corporate management, they understand the most cutting-edge human resources management concept, and they master various industries structure and personnel conditions with strong capabilities in data mining, selection identification and integration of human needs. With the help of those excellent professionals, Hoping Wise has established the most high efficiency human resources hunting platform in following fields: commercial real estate, manufacturing, finance, IT, FMCG, energy and etc.Hoping Wise holds and keeps updating its exclusive HR database which includes detail information of nearly one million personnel. Besides, we have established a flowing talents resource pool by constantly sorting out key positions within industry. Meanwhile, Hoping wise has organized a regular part-time consultant’s team with rich industry experience in main cities across China, by which provides constant contribution to optimize our talents resource pool of candidates and the searching network.Research Center in Hoping Wise, consist of industries and human resource experts, can provide a strong technical and intellectual support for customers with fast, professional talent search. The research orientation of our Research Center as followed: latest industry research, business development research, career development research, personnel selection and assessment studies, recruitment market research. Hoping Wise dedicated in providing the best customized talent solutions, all of which are based on comprehensive understanding of corporate culture, clients’ real needs, and its actual situation. Hoping Wise is willing to provide strategic human resources suggestions and services, to help our clients minimize the cost of recruiting management, and achieve the most efficient allocation of human resources.As a leading recruitment services provider, 80% clients of Hoping Wise comes from the world's leading multinational corporations, large domestic listed companies and the rest from the fast-growing medium-sized enterprises and non- profit organizations.The working principles of Hoping Wise are consisting of concentration, teamwork spirit, communication and multi-win, study and accumulation. By providing accurate, prompt, and professional human resources support services to clients, Hoping Wise is likely to help our clients to enhance their human resources competitiveness, and become an excellent strategic partner with them.2.Service Orientation: Cognition, Mutual Trust, Multi-winCognition: The key principle that guides our behavior, clearly expressed the attitude we possess: willing to know more about people, willing to deep communicate with our clients and candidates.2.1 Acceptance and assessment of information:Clients: Willing to contact with clients, takes a comprehensive, in-depth analysis and assessment of clients’ real needs, synergize with clients’ strategic orientation, organizational structure, and corporate culture.Candidates: Willing to contact with outstanding candidates, skilled in recognizing their advantages, make proper evaluation according to candidates’ industry experience, professional background, personality characteristics, development potential, and assess their matching level with the positions in demand.2.2 Operation methods:Consultants from Hoping Wise can provide individualized recruiting services Solutions on the basis of mutual understanding between clients’ real demand and rational assessment about candidate.2.3 Prediction and Assessment. Through strict process as selecting and screening, Hoping Wise could provide rapid and accurate matching candidates for clients, and we have established long-term strategic partnership with our clients.Mutual Trust:We are committed to establish long-term partnership with both of clients and candidates. Through long time of fruitful cooperation, Hoping Wise has received mutual trust and enjoyed sound reputation with our clients and candidates. Those mutual trust relationship has help Hoping Wise to laid a solid foundation to become a more influenced corporation in human resource strategy fields.Multi-win:By rational cognition, mutual trust, Hoping Wise has helped to create higher value for clients and provides continuing professional development for candidates, and Hoping Wise has been and will continue to fulfill its mission as industry-leading recruitment services provider in human resources fields.朝阳区国贸南郎家园18号恋日国际大厦


企业类型: 有限责任公司 经营模式: 生产商 注册时间: 2010年
注册资本:50万人民币 员工人数: 50-99人 邮政编码:



周一至周五 9:00-18:00
