




德国施莱希工程设计公司 (schlaich bergermann und partner, www.sbp.de 以下简称 sbp 公司)为德国乃至世界上的空间结构、轻型结构及特殊结构设计的设计事务所,位于斯图加特的总公司对设计和研究工作进行总体负责,是一个典型的结构工程师事务所。我们致力于桥梁、膜结构、索结构、玻璃结构及所有相关领域的特殊结构设计。我们的设计富有创新性,并不局限于特定材料的选择,结合技术性、经济性及生态性,从而寻找一个佳的解决方案。Schlaich bergermann und partner (sbp www.sbp.de) operates in the classic as well as specialized fields of structural engineering. Our focus lies on light-weight structures in bridge design, membrane and cable structures, glass architecture and all related fields. Open to all kinds of materials as well as to innovations, we look for solutions that suit a building project technically, economically and ecologically. 我们的设计目标是充满挑战性的工程设计,例如大跨度的轻型屋盖结构,多种多样的桥梁,纤细的塔以及太阳能发电站。我们致力于**,美观以及环保的设计,和有着共同设计理念的建筑师以及其他专业工程师一起共同实现整个设计项目。We strive to design sophisticated engineering structures ranging from wide-span light-weight roofs, a diversity of bridges and slender towers to innovative solar energy power plants. Our ambitions are efficiency, beauty and ecology. For the sake of holistic solutions we seek collaboration with architects and engineers from all fields of expertise who share our goals. 1980 年 Jörg Schlaich 约格•施莱希 和 Rudolf Bergermann 鲁道夫•贝尔格曼共同建立了这个工程师事务所,2002年sbp转到现任的4位合伙人的肩上, 他们管理整个公司的设计团队。In 1980 Jörg Schlaich and Rudolf Bergermann founded our office. Since 2002 schlaich bergermann und partner has been in the capable hands of 4 partners. 我们工程师事务所的效能和业绩基于一个富有创造力及设计经验和成熟的设计团队,设计团队多年来成功地实现了众多的项目。sbp目前共有103名员工及9名负责人。他们工作在斯图加特、柏林、纽约、上海及圣保罗。我们的设计理念:轻、远,这一理念始终贯彻于sbp将来的设计项目中去。The qualification and sound performance of our engineering company is based on experienced and proven staff members who have been working together successfully for many years now. Currently there are 103 employees and 9 partners employed by sbp. They work in Stuttgart, Berlin, New York, Shanghai and São Paulo. True to the motto light _weight, the ideas we have at sbp lead to the future. 建筑艺术是**分割来衡量的。我们的设计宗旨以双方面来共同体现:我们的设计工作基于结构及材料相互影响及统一,并致力于发展。The art of building is indivisible! Our motto is two-fold: The principle governing our work is to include many types of both constructions and materials into the design approach: We aim to be all-rounder. 我们的工作领域主要涉及结构工程设计的方方面面,其中具体体现在方案设计、计算、设计图审查及施工现场监理等各方面,涉及的建筑结构形式有超高层、桥梁、塔、大跨度的屋面、体育场馆以及工业建筑等,所涉猎的结构设计领域是完全没有局限性的。正是因为我们的设计团队具有丰富的设计经验,才能使我们的设计领域无限宽广。对于在结构设计中所使用的材料,结合它们各自的固有性能以及与之相关的技术要求作为设计的前提条件:如目前在世界上各建筑中被广泛使用的钢材、混凝土、木材,也有那些所谓的新型材料,如轻型金属材料、复合材料、玻璃及膜结构。与材料特性相结合的结构,其意义在于结合材料的各自特性,将其进行相关优化,与结构形式相结合,在合适的部分加以充分应用。在设计工作的发展进程中,我们结合整体的相关边界条件,共同去研究得到一个适合的解决方案,充分体现两者之间的协同作用。Our field is sophisticated structural engineering. We design, analyze, check and supervise buildings, bridges, towers, long-span roofs, sports and industrial facilities etc. Our curiosity knows no boundaries. Thanks to our large and experienced team, we are able to make a contribution in all these fields. A basic prerequisite for this, of course, is familiarity with all materials and the respective joining technologies, both “traditional” materials such as steel, concrete and wood and the “new” materials such as light alloys, composite materials, glass, membranes etc. “Material-congruousness” in structures means to strive for an optimal combination of the materials according to their individual characteristics. We are looking for the holistically correct solution for the existing framework conditions. This mindset, crossing materials and structures as it does, releases synergies.


企业类型: 企业单位 经营模式: 生产商 注册时间: 2005年
注册资本:未注明注册资本 员工人数: 100-499人 邮政编码:



周一至周五 9:00-18:00
